Cacao Poetica
Chocolate bar designs inspired by great poets and their writing. Each chocolate bar represents a feeling evoked in its corresponding poem excerpt. The feeling of wonder is found in mother nature, joy is a dance with dandelions, hope is a sweet bird, and there existed a love stronger than any other love for the enamoured Edgar Allen Poe.
Role: Visual Design | Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, Wacom Tablet
Seven Deadly Sins
Chocolate bar designs with a satirical take on the seven deadly sins. Feeling lazy? Curl up into bed with Sloth: Coconut Creme Milk Chocolate and treat yourself to extra hours of sleep. Can't wait another second for those shoes you've been eyeing to go on sale? Take a bite of Greed: Match Dark Chocolate and you won't regret buying it at full price. There's no guilt in indulging when your desires are entertaining icons and irresistible flavors.
Role: Visual Design | Tools: Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop